The small boat Liisa takes you gently to the bay
Small ship Liisa offers a wide range of services
We invite you with your loved ones, family, friends or colleagues to the Gulf of Livonia. We take you on an adventure to Kihnu Island, take a sunset cruise on Pärnu Bay or catch fish.
Let us know what your dream sea day is and we will organize it.
Welcome aboard the small ship Liisa!

Kutsume Sind oma seltskonnaga privaatsele merereisile Kihnu saarele!
Kihnu visit package 2023
Packet contains
We offer a personal and full of experience Kihnu island visit package for up to nine passengers!
→ We will start from the port of Pärnu in the morning.
→ Before mooring in Kihnu, we can take a refreshing dip in the middle of the sea if we wish, or throw fishing lines into the water and watch the fish bite.
→ At the port, electric box bikes are waiting for your group in front of you, where you can fit a child, a friend or backpacks.
→ Discover the sights of Kihnu on electric box bikes: Kihnu lighthouse and other exciting things.
→ After a refreshing meal, we head back to Pärnu against the background of the sunset.
If Neptune is generous, he will give you the opportunity to observe seals.
The price includes round-trip small boat transportation for nine passengers with bathing and fishing opportunities, guide service on Kihnu island, use of electric box bikes to explore the island, guide service and a delicious meal).
Paketi maksumus: 1 350€ + KM
Booking information
Send an e-mail to book the Kihnu Island visit package or ask for more information directly from the captain of the small boat Liisa, Andrus, at +372 53 400 065.
Welcome to Kihnu!
Grab your family and friends and come to Pärnu Bay or the river
to ride a speedboat!
Are you coming to Pärnu on vacation? What to do in the summer capital?
We invite you on a two or three hour boat trip to Pärnu bay or river.
Let us know what your wishes are and we will organize a memorable holiday.
A memorable experience is our sure guarantee!
We offer a sea trip that meets your wishes
Come and enjoy a romantic sunset and champagne with your loved one, organize a memorable cruise for your colleagues or surprise your friends by celebrating their birthday on the small ship Liisa. In addition to the captain, nine more people can fit on board. Just the right bunch to spend quality time together on sea or river cruises and chilling!
Pakett lahele päikesevanni ja ujuma
Tead ju küll, kui hästi merel päike võtab! Kutsume Sind sõpradega merele päikesevanni nautima väikelaev Liisal. Kui temperatuurid lähevad mõnusalt üles, pakume võimalust jahutada end merevees.
Pakett sisaldab kuni üheksale inimesele Pärnu lahe kruiisi koos kapteniga. Päike ja kosutav merevesi ootavad Sind!
Paketi maksumus: 400€ + KM
Pakett kalale Pärnu merele või Pärnu jõele
Are you a passionate fisherman and want to go fishing while on vacation in Pärnu? No problem! Let's go ride!
The small boat Liisa will take you fishing with friends, family or colleagues.
Pärnu's most agile fishermen say that this year, to be lucky in fishing, you have to be kind!
The price includes a 2-3 hour pleasure ride for nine passengers on the Pärnu bay or river with the captain's service. The exact action is coordinated based on the customer's expectations.
Paketi maksumus: 400€ + KM
Booking information
Send an e-mail to book the boat service or ask for more information directly from the captain of the small boat Liisa, Andrus, at +372 53 400 065.
You are welcome for a fun ride!
Sunset package with champagne from the port of Pärnu by sea to Varbla or Tõstamaa to a White guide recognized restaurant
A favorite package for sea fans and foodies
Oled Sa kunagi läinud lõunaeinet või õhtusööki nautima kiirpaadiga? Pakume välja kaks erinevat restorani külastuse paketti, kuhu kuuluvad meri, gurmeeelamus, päikeseloojang, šampus ja unustamatud emotsioonid.
We invite you to two restaurants recognized by White Guide Estonia 2023! Come and enjoy the romantic moments of the beach road!
Tõstamaa Dairy
The small ship Liisa is calling you across the sea to Týstamaa! A dairy restaurant where local flavors, good cheese and good wine have earned them a White Guide 2023 recommendation already after last summer.
The price includes an unforgettable sailing experience with the comfortable and private small boat Liisa for up to nine passengers. The price includes shampoo and enchanting views of the sunset.
Paketi maksumus: 700€ + KM
Restaurant Groot
Restaurant Groot, with an interior inspired by the sea and marine vessels, is waiting for a memorable cruise and dinner with the small ship Liisa. Restaurant Groot is located in the picturesque port of Varbla and is famous for its local ingredients, as the fish is mostly caught and the meat is raised. This has earned them recognition from the White Guide Estonia 2023 and brings people back again and again.
The price includes an unforgettable sailing experience with the comfortable and private small boat Liisa for up to nine passengers. The price includes shampoo and enchanting views of the sunset.
Paketi maksumus: 900€ + KM
Booking information
Send an e-mail to book the boat service or ask for more information directly from the captain of the small boat Liisa, Andrus, at +372 53 400 065.
You are invited to sea and gourmet experiences!