Cool on the bay

Let's go to sea!

Do you want to go on a sea trip with friends, family or colleagues? Do you want to experience a memorable adventure vacation at sea?

We have good news for you. From 2023, the small ship Liisa is ready to make your sea dreams come true, offering a wide range of different services.

The small boat Liisa offers up to 9 passengers a private and fast sea experience, taking you on an adventure from the port of Pärnu to the desired island in the Livonian Gulf. Whether it's a visit to Manija or Kihnu islands with an active activity, a fun ride on the Pärnu river, go fishing by boat or experience something truly memorable - go to restaurant Meiere in Tyštamaale by speedboat or go to restaurant Grootis in Varbla instead.

We make your dream holiday at sea come true!

Welcome aboard!

Thanks for the great Kihnu visit day package! The boat ride itself was an experience in itself. For the first time in his life, even a seal managed to greet the boating time. Kihnu island with its beautiful nature and nice people is always a great place to go! I highly recommend!


Very cool experience 🙂 Totally Reccomend!

Evely Kasemaa

I have sailed many times in Pärnu to Kihnu. But this all-day roundtrip with personal guide Elly(most famous person on Kihnu) was just awesome. I recommend it any-day. Our Captain was nice fellow and had good humor. Very helpful and had showed us lots nice places and also let us drive the boat. On Kihnu we drove with nice bikes. 3wheel bikes that we had where electric powered and easy to drive. All tough you have to be careful in sharp turns and corners. But they are super fancy “Cadillac of power 3wheels”. We visited lighthouse, museum, etc. After trip we had fast dinner. We had clear meatball soup. Which is nice touch for the end of excursion. Recommend to ask little shot of stronger water and soup tastes even better. First it seems that price for the day is too high. But every cents is well spent. You cant find that kind hospitality anywhere. People are nice and it gives you nice boost for the future. A+++

Uku Loide

Väga tore meresõit ja vahva Kihnu külastus oli! Paadis piisavalt ruumi ja hea soe, võimalus ka väljas sõitu nautida. Saarel oli väga mugav elektriratastega liikuda. Tore väljasõit nii pere kui sõpradega.

Kristiina Tammsaar

Tänud seiklusrikka päeva eest paradiisis Kihnul! Paadisōit häälestas mōnusalt vanale kalurisaarele Kihnule ja vedas mōtted muistsetele hülgeküttidele. Vaffa värk, suvel tuleme tagasi!

Mart Jõhvikas

Kapten Andrus on julge merekaru, kellega ka veidi tormisemal merel on turvaline sõita. Kihnus näed lähedalt Eesti ehedat rannapiirkonna elu. Traditsioonid siiani hoitud.


Kadri Jõhvikas

Super! Mis saaks paremat olla kui Pärnu lahel koos Lahedalt Lahel meeskonnaga, vinge paadi ja kapteniga! Tänud ka Kihnule meid kostitamas. 
Indrek Mäe

Giidi saatel ja kastiratastel on mônus imelist Kihnu saart avastada

Monika Ulla

Super lahe värk, käisime lastega 8a ja 10a. Saarel liikumine ratastega (lapsed kastis) oli nagu kirss tordil!

Bert Jõeveer